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Emergency Treatment Maneuver of Oxygen Supply System Failure in Jianyang People's Hospital
Source:  Date:2020-01-06 11:44:03

In order to strengthen the oxygen safety consciousness of hospital staff, improve the strain level of oxygen leaking accident and strengthening the coordination treatment ability of hospital related departments, the leaders of our gas supply engineering department and medical equipment department of Jianyang People's Hospital held the simulation maneuver of oxygen leaking and emergency oxygen in December 20, 2019 in Jianyang People's Hospital.

The leaders of our company analyzed the location ofliquid oxygen storage tank, oxygen cylinder and other prone accident points.They also explained the safety technical requirements of oxygen cylinder, operation technicalrequirements of liquid oxygen station and design requirements of liquid oxygenstation in detail. And they introduced our company's oxygen supply system so that the hospital staff are familiar with the product operation and related processes.

Through this maneuver, our company assisted the hospital to further standardize the emergency handling process of liquid oxygenleakage accident, to improve the hospital's emergency handling capacity and toimprove the hospital's emergency management system of safety production, and to promotethe business communication between the company and customers. The maneuver wasa complete success.

Pre:Congratulations to Chen Yong (chairman) for being honored as the most socially responsible entrepreneur of Chengdu in 2019
Next:Date Activity between Gangtong and Jianyang People’s Hospital